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Success story

Performance & Efficiency
in Zini Prodotti Alimentari SpA.

Deda Cloud’s service also makes it possible to compensate for the skill shortage by providing the customer with specific experience and expertise to help them manage a more complex application such as SAP for Hana.

Among the leaders in the fresh frozen pasta sector, Zini Prodotti Alimentari SpA is a company that with over 65 years of experience carries on the tradition of fresh, real and natural pasta.
They have always been innovators: their vision is to make pasta and other specialties made from Italian grains increasingly usable worldwide and in all situations, reducing the environmental impact of the supply chain and improving people’s diets.

Production area
16,000 square meters
Production lines
Define the best solution to take advantage of the SAP application.

Founded in 1956 by Euride Zini with a small pasta factory in the heart of Milan, Zini began producing fresh pasta using only natural ingredients and carrying on the tradition of pasta made to be eaten immediately or frozen.
The exponential growth of the business meant that it grew from a small pasta factory into a solid company ready for change.
In 1978 it was the first company in the world to freeze fresh pasta, in ’88 it started its first exports abroad, in 2013 it expanded with in-house Analysis laboratories and R&D introducing new products such as polenta, risotto, gluten free foods and new healthy lines, until 2020 where they defined their corporate identity, taking the image of the company we know now and following key values such as: environment, innovation, tradition, Italian spirit, people and respect.

Values that have influenced the company’s choices and that we also find in the suppliers that accompany them in their technological progress, helping them to be those innovators that make the difference in the market.
It is precisely in this that Deda Cloud has been a support for Zini, helping them to define the best solution to take advantage of the SAP application, which is fundamental to having a competitive advantage in the market, in a more efficient and effective way, relying on an infrastructure adapted to the new business needs.
Incisive has been the intra-group relationship with Derga, SAP’s top partner, which has conveyed cohesion and continuity of the solution to the client.
In fact, the companies together are able to cover the service in a complete way both on the application and system side, guaranteeing the customer better service standards and a direct dialogue with the application partner, which is essential to shorten the time of any intervention.
The client therefore preferred to rely on certified personnel to manage the new infrastructure, choosing an As a Service solution that would allow it to make an efficient investment by reducing the waste of resources and employing them for core business activities.
Deda Cloud’s service also allows them to offset the skill shortage by providing the customer with experience and specific skills that would help them manage a more complex application such as SAP for Hana. In just a few months the project was developed and implemented, Deda Cloud listened to the client’s business needs and enabled the client to be in line with market development in a short time.
Proposal and solution

Making use of an external datacenter with a fee-based solution.


After a careful analysis of the client’s application needs, Deda Cloud decided to propose a service that would allow the client not to overhaul its internal infrastructure, but to take advantage of an external datacenter with a fee-based solution. The transition from SAP Business One to SAP for Hana needed specific skills to use and manage the platform, so it was decided to implement the Enterprise Managed Services for SAP service where the infrastructure components (IaaS) are merged with that of Application Management (ManS for SAP), creating a single service. On the infrastructure side, the service provides an engineered platform to host SAP environments in the Deda Cloud datacenter. Our hardware technologies adopted to support SAP Hana in Datacenter, fall under the list of hardware certified for SAP Hana by vendors and SAP. Landscape operation is always guaranteed because all platform components are redundant.
In addition, it is possible to replicate environments on one of our secondary sites so as to ensure maximum service continuity even in the event of high-impact events that may disrupt the operation of the primary site. On the application side, we guarantee a set of services to manage operations and to prevent/resolve systemic issues of SAP environments. Professionalism and competence is evidenced by the multiple certifications our staff has obtained for managing components such as application servers, databases, and application modules. Zini was able to minimize investment while increasing the quality of the infrastructure. Using an engineered platform with certified technologies designed specifically for your business needs allows you to avoid infrastructure oversizing and take advantage of preformant and reliable infrastructure.

The development of the activity followed a “project plan” during which the development environments were first analyzed, then the test environments and finally the production environments in the design phase, while in the production phase the service was delivered as such. Everything was carried out within the set deadlines and meeting the go live by December 2021. Two were the winning elements:

  1. The completeness and assurance of service on both the system and application sides;
  2. The timeliness of commissioning environments.

Deda Cloud demonstrated flexibility and responsiveness, which are critical for an innovation-focused company like us.
The project team fully followed our business needs, and in a few months we were able to achieve a complete and successfully managed infrastructure.

Maurizio Vezzani
CEO - Zini Prodotti Alimentari S.p.A.
The as a Service mode has enabled Zini to deploy resources efficiently.
To be an innovator is to be committed to changing and improving the state of affairs.
Zini Prodotti Alimentare S.p.A. has always strived to follow this business vision, both to be able to grow as a company and to remain competitive in the market.
It is important for companies to remember to invest not only in the core activities of the business but also in those ancillary areas that, however, can have a strong impact on business operations especially in case of unexpected events.
The as a Service mode allowed Zini to deploy resources efficiently, concentrating spending in a fee that guaranteed a fixed investment and included both technological advancement and the management of a complex application such as SAP.
Working with a partner that allows the client to relieve itself of any activity on its own infrastructure allows it to protect its business without impacting its ordinary activities, in fact allowing it to fully focus its resources on the business.
In addition, the group relationship with Derga, already a partner of Zini, provides greater security in the management of any interventions.

Now Zini has achieved his goals:

  • Improve the performance of its application component by equipping itself with SAP Hana;
  • Benefit from an infrastructure with state-of-the-art technologies, optimizing business costs;
  • Hire certified and constantly updated staff to manage the new infrastructure.

The expertise and professionalism demonstrated during the project allowed Deda Cloud to
gain the trust that characterizes the partnership with Zini today. From a simple service provider, it has become a relevant partner in Zini’s technological growth, fundamental in every phase of project development: from study to choice and from implementation to post-implementation assistance.
Investing in technology and innovation is an ongoing process for Zini Prodotti Alimentare S.p.A, which is why from a project as relevant as the development of the EManS for SAP service will start new implementations for the other branch of Deda Cloud: cybersecurity. In fact, our technicians are already at work with the client to implement ad hoc security services in line with Zini’s business needs and market development.


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